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Customizing Metadata

Custom Metadata Panel helps Admins and end users build, manage and share custom metadata forms for use in Bridge. The panel supports the following form types: Dates, Single- and Multi-value Text, Dropdown Menus, Constrained value fields (Tags), and a special form item to support AEM Tags. In addition, Admins and end users can focus the metadata experience via Dependencies, Filters and Selection Groups:

  • Dependencies
    • Dependencies block entry in one field until data exists in one or more other fields. This can be used as a form of validation for end-users, ensuring that fields are assigned values in the correct order. For instance, a user might need to select a pet type before choosing a breed, or need to set an arrival date before setting a departure date.
  • Filters
    • Filters reduce the possible options in one field based on the value of another field. This feature can be used as a form of information validation by narrowing the scope of options as a user moves through the form. For instance, after a user selects a pet type, the breed dropdown would remove options not related to the kind of pet.
  • Selection Groups
    • Groups connect multiple options together in a multi-value field. Users choose one value that automatically selects other values that have been grouped together. For instance, in a dropdown which allows users to choose multiple US States, a dropdown value “New England” would automatically select “Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island”